328 338 finally captured and though
much crippled was by rare good
fortune successfully taken into
Gibraltar, an English port luckily
not ^ very distant from the scene of the fight.
There, Captain Vere with the rest
100 of the wounded was put ashore. He
lingered for some days, but the end came.
Unhappily he was cut off too early for
the Nile and Trafalgar. The spirit
that spite its philosophic austerity
may yet secretly have indulged in the
most secret of all passions, ambition
of broad fame , never attained to
the fulness of fame.
Not long before death
328 338 finally captured and though
much crippled was by rare good
fortune successfully taken into
Gibraltar, an English port luckily
not ^ very distant from the scene of the fight.
There, Captain Vere with the rest
100 of the wounded was put ashore. He
lingered for some days, but the end came.
Unhappily he was cut off too early for
the Nile and Trafalgar. The spirit
that spite its philosophic austerity
may yet secretly have indulged in the
most secret of all passions, ambition
of broad fame , never attained to
the fulness of fame.
Not long before death

Transcribed by: John Bryant