327 337 On the return-passage to the English
fleet from the detached cruise during
which occurred the events already recorded,
the Bellipotent fell in with the Atheiste ^ Athéiste
An engagement ensued; during which
Captain Vere in the act of putting
99 his ship alongside the enemy with
a view of to throwing his boarders
on her decks , ^ across her bulwarks was hit by a musket-ball
from a port-hole of the enemy's
main cabin. More than disabled
he dropt dropped to the deck and was
carried below to the same cock-pit
where some of his men already lay.
The senior Lieutenant took command.
Under him the enemy was
327 337 On the return-passage to the English
fleet from the detached cruise during
which occurred the events already recorded,
the Bellipotent fell in with the Atheiste ^ Athéiste
An engagement ensued; during which
Captain Vere in the act of putting
99 his ship alongside the enemy with
a view of to throwing his boarders
on her decks , ^ across her bulwarks was hit by a musket-ball
from a port-hole of the enemy's
main cabin. More than disabled
he dropt dropped to the deck and was
carried below to the same cock-pit
where some of his men already lay.
The senior Lieutenant took command.
Under him the enemy was

Transcribed by: John Bryant