was in this wise: A favorite kinsman,
one Lord Denton, a free-hearted fellow, had been the first
to meet and congratulate him upon
his return to England from his West
Indian cruise; and but the day previous
turning over a copy of ^ Andrew Marvell's
poems had lighted, not for the first
time however, upon the lines entitled
Appleton House , the name of one of the seats of their

was in this wise: A favorite kinsman,
one Lord Denton, a free-hearted fellow, had been the first
to meet and congratulate him upon
his return to England from his West
Indian cruise; and but the day previous
turning over a copy of ^ Andrew Marvell's
poems had lighted, not for the first
time however, upon the lines entitled
Appleton House , the name of one of the seats of their

Transcribed by: John Bryant