3 360 Now, as elsewhere hinted, it was ^ something
a contagion caught from the Revolutionary Spirit that
that at the Nore Spithead inspired emboldened the sailors of
the British fleet in the first place ^ the man-of-war's men to rise
against real abuses, long-standing ones, and afterwards
3 at the Nore to make inordinate ^ and aggressive
1 demands, successful resistance to which
was confirmed only when the ringleaders 43
were hung for an admonitory spectacle
to the ^ anchored fleet. Yet in a way analagous
to the operation of the Revolution at large
the Nore ^ Great Mutiny, tho' ^ by Englishmen naturally deemed by
monstrous at the time, doubtless gave
the first latent prompting to those most
progressive important reforms in the British navy .
which for its sailors makes it a service
3 360 Now, as elsewhere hinted, it was ^ something
a contagion caught from the Revolutionary Spirit that
that at the Nore Spithead inspired emboldened the sailors of
the British fleet in the first place ^ the man-of-war's men to rise
against real abuses, long-standing ones, and afterwards
3 at the Nore to make inordinate ^ and aggressive
1 demands, successful resistance to which
was confirmed only when the ringleaders 43
were hung for an admonitory spectacle
to the ^ anchored fleet. Yet in a way analagous
to the operation of the Revolution at large
the Nore ^ Great Mutiny, tho' ^ by Englishmen naturally deemed by
monstrous at the time, doubtless gave
the first latent prompting to those most
progressive important reforms in the British navy .
which for its sailors makes it a service

Transcribed by: Wyn Kelley