2 359 the rectification of the Old World's
hereditary wrongs. ^ In France To to some extent
this was ^ bloodily effected. But what then?
Straighway Straightway the Revolution regency as assuming to be that righter of wrongs itself
became a wrongdoer, one more oppressive
than the Kings. Under Napoleon it
enthroned upstart kings, and initiated
2 that prolonged agony of ^ Continental general war^ fare and massacre 42
that ended whose last ^ final throes throe was at in Waterloo. Nor during During
those years could ^ not the wisest could have
forseen that the outcome of all would
be what ^ to some thinkers apparently it has turned since
out to be, an a ^ political advance along ^ nearly the
whole line for man. Europeans.
2 359 the rectification of the Old World's
hereditary wrongs. ^ In France To to some extent
this was ^ bloodily effected. But what then?
Straighway Straightway the Revolution regency as assuming to be that righter of wrongs itself
became a wrongdoer, one more oppressive
than the Kings. Under Napoleon it
enthroned upstart kings, and initiated
2 that prolonged agony of ^ Continental general war^ fare and massacre 42
that ended whose last ^ final throes throe was at in Waterloo. Nor during During
those years could ^ not the wisest could have
forseen that the outcome of all would
be what ^ to some thinkers apparently it has turned since
out to be, an a ^ political advance along ^ nearly the
whole line for man. Europeans.

Transcribed by: Wyn Kelley