285 296 In this proceeding as in every
public one growing out of the trajedy tragedy
strict adherence to usage was observed.
Nor in any point could it have been at all
deviated from, ^ either with respect to Claggart
or Billy Budd
without begetting
undesirable speculations in the ship's
60 company, sailors, and more particularly
men-of-war's men, being of all men the
greatest sticklers for usage.
For similar cause, all communication
between Captain Vere and the condemned
one closed ended with the closeted
interview already given, the latter
being now surrendered to the
285 296 In this proceeding as in every
public one growing out of the trajedy tragedy
strict adherence to usage was observed.
Nor in any point could it have been at all
deviated from, ^ either with respect to Claggart
or Billy Budd
without begetting
undesirable speculations in the ship's
60 company, sailors, and more particularly
men-of-war's men, being of all men the
greatest sticklers for usage.
For similar cause, all communication
between Captain Vere and the condemned
one closed ended with the closeted
interview already given, the latter
being now surrendered to the

Transcribed by: Christopher Ohge