1 2 Billy Budd
( An inside narrative. )
Friday Nov. 16, 1888.
1 Revise - began
[pointer] March 2d 1889
In the time before steamships,
and ^ or then or then more frequently than now , a stroller
along the docks of any considerable
sea-port would occasionally have his
attention arrested by a group of
bronzed mariners, man-of-war's men
or merchant-sailors in holiday attire
ashore on liberty. In certain instances Sometimes a???pts
they would flank, or, like a body-guard
quite surround some one ^ ^ a superior superior signal
figure of their own class but signalized
1 2 Billy Budd
( An inside narrative. )
Friday Nov. 16, 1888.
1 Revise - began
[pointer] March 2d 1889
In the time before steamships,
and ^ or then or then more frequently than now , a stroller
along the docks of any considerable
sea-port would occasionally have his
attention arrested by a group of
bronzed mariners, man-of-war's men
or merchant-sailors in holiday attire
ashore on liberty. In certain instances Sometimes a???pts
they would flank, or, like a body-guard
quite surround some one ^ ^ a superior superior signal
figure of their own class but signalized

Transcribed by: John Bryant