263 274 ^ As H navy officers
what reck we of that, however Tho' much as their
fellow-creatures of these men some of us may feel about it for them
appreciate their position, yet as navy officers
what reck we of it?
Still less recks
the enemy.
What recks the enemy of that?
Our impressed men he would fain
cut down in the same swath with
our volenteers volunteers . As regards the
enemy's naval conscripts, some
of whom may even share our own
abhorrence of the regicial regicidal
38 French Directory, it is the same
on our side. War looks but to
the frontage, the appearance.
And the Mutiny Act, War's child,
takes after the father. Budd's
intent or non-intent is nothing
to the purpose. Tho' as their fellow-creatures
we[?] feel[?] many[?] feelings, yet
as navy
263 274 ^ As H navy officers
what reck we of that, however Tho' much as their
fellow-creatures of these men some of us may feel about it for them
appreciate their position, yet as navy officers
what reck we of it?
Still less recks
the enemy.
What recks the enemy of that?
Our impressed men he would fain
cut down in the same swath with
our volenteers volunteers . As regards the
enemy's naval conscripts, some
of whom may even share our own
abhorrence of the regicial regicidal
38 French Directory, it is the same
on our side. War looks but to
the frontage, the appearance.
And the Mutiny Act, War's child,
takes after the father. Budd's
intent or non-intent is nothing
to the purpose. Tho' as their fellow-creatures
we[?] feel[?] many[?] feelings, yet
as navy

Transcribed by: John Bryant