251 262 For Captain Vere, he for the time (sitting) stood
unconciusly with his back toward them,
in one apparently in one of his absent
fits, gazing out from a sashed
port-hole to windward upon the

monotonous dim blank of the ^ twilight sea.
But the court's silence continuing, broken
only at moments by low brief consultations,
in low earnest tones, this moved him to signs of impatience. this served to arouse him and energize him.
26 Wheeling round all at once, Turning, he to-and-fro
paced the cabin athwart; in the
returning ascent to windward, climbing
the slant deck in the ship's lee roll;
without knowing it symbolizing thus
in his person action a tenacious mind
resolute to surmount difficulties . even if
against primitive instincts strong as the wind and / / the sea.
251 262 For Captain Vere, he for the time (sitting) stood
unconciusly with his back toward them,
in one apparently in one of his absent
fits, gazing out from a sashed
port-hole to windward upon the

monotonous dim blank of the ^ twilight sea.
But the court's silence continuing, broken
only at moments by low brief consultations,
in low earnest tones, this moved him to signs of impatience. this served to arouse him and energize him.
26 Wheeling round all at once, Turning, he to-and-fro
paced the cabin athwart; in the
returning ascent to windward, climbing
the slant deck in the ship's lee roll;
without knowing it symbolizing thus
in his person action a tenacious mind
resolute to surmount difficulties . even if
against primitive instincts strong as the wind and / / the sea.

Transcribed by: John Bryant