250 261 at the time that the foretopman and followed
by the master-at-arms, entered it—
he, standing by the sailor throughout
these ^ judicial proceedings, was now directed to
take him back to the after compartment
originally assigned to the prisoner and
his custodian. As the twain disappeard
from present sight view, the three officers
25 as partially liberated from some inward
constraint associated with Billy's mere
prescence, simultaniously stirred in their
seats. They exchanged looks of
troubled indecision, while yet feeling / the more trying since
they felt / that decide they must
and without prolonged long delay.
Nor less And yet delay the
250 261 at the time that the foretopman and followed
by the master-at-arms, entered it—
he, standing by the sailor throughout
these ^ judicial proceedings, was now directed to
take him back to the after compartment
originally assigned to the prisoner and
his custodian. As the twain disappeard
from present sight view, the three officers
25 as partially liberated from some inward
constraint associated with Billy's mere
prescence, simultaniously stirred in their
seats. They exchanged looks of
troubled indecision, while yet feeling / the more trying since
they felt / that decide they must
and without prolonged long delay.
Nor less And yet delay the

Transcribed by: John Bryant