262 273 "Surely not, my good f man. And
before a court less arbitrary and
more merciful than a ma from
the a martial one, that plea would
largety extenuate. ^ At the Last Assizes it shall acquit. But how here?
We proceed under the law of the
Mutiny Act. In feature no
37 child can resemble his father
more than that Act resembles in
spirit the thing from which
it derives—War. We know
that in In his His Magesty service—in
this ship indeed—there are
Englishmen forced to serve fight for their the
King and fight the French against
their will. Against their conscience,
for aught we know.
262 273 "Surely not, my good f man. And
before a court less arbitrary and
more merciful than a ma from
the a martial one, that plea would
largety extenuate. ^ At the Last Assizes it shall acquit. But how here?
We proceed under the law of the
Mutiny Act. In feature no
37 child can resemble his father
more than that Act resembles in
spirit the thing from which
it derives—War. We know
that in In his His Magesty service—in
this ship indeed—there are
Englishmen forced to serve fight for their the
King and fight the French against
their will. Against their conscience,
for aught we know.

Transcribed by: John Bryant