249 260 overrulingly instructed by a glance from
Captain Vere, a glance that more
expressive effective than words, resumed
that primacy. Turning to the prisoner,
"Budd," he said, and scarse in equable
tones, "Budd, if you have aught
further to say for yourself, say
it now."
Upon this the ^ young sailor turned
24 another quick glance toward Captain Vere;
then, as taking a hint from that aspect,
a hint one confirming his own instinct ^ that silence was now best, replyed ^ to his questi to the Lieutenant
"I have said all, Sir."
The marine — the same who had
been the sentinel without the cabin-door
249 260 overrulingly instructed by a glance from
Captain Vere, a glance that more
expressive effective than words, resumed
that primacy. Turning to the prisoner,
"Budd," he said, and scarse in equable
tones, "Budd, if you have aught
further to say for yourself, say
it now."
Upon this the ^ young sailor turned
24 another quick glance toward Captain Vere;
then, as taking a hint from that aspect,
a hint one confirming his own instinct ^ that silence was now best, replyed ^ to his questi to the Lieutenant
"I have said all, Sir."
The marine — the same who had
been the sentinel without the cabin-door

Transcribed by: John Bryant