57 57 56 2 188 Quite Wherof lately he (Claggart) had begun to
suspect that ^ on the gun-decks some sort of movement
^ prompted by the sailor in question was covertly going on, but he had not
thought himself warranted in reporting
the suspicion so long as it ^ vaguely remained nothing a vague one indistinct.
more than that. But from what he had
that afternoon observed in the individual 8 2
man sailor referred to in question the suspicion ^ of something ominous ^ clandestine going on had advanced
to a point less removed from certainty.
Nor could the general opinion he had
Nor could his impression as to the man's
character be altogether illusory since
he could su summon two or three good
men who would testify that they
in part shared it. He well knew
57 57 56 2 188 Quite Wherof lately he (Claggart) had begun to
suspect that ^ on the gun-decks some sort of movement
^ prompted by the sailor in question was covertly going on, but he had not
thought himself warranted in reporting
the suspicion so long as it ^ vaguely remained nothing a vague one indistinct.
more than that. But from what he had
that afternoon observed in the individual 8 2
man sailor referred to in question the suspicion ^ of something ominous ^ clandestine going on had advanced
to a point less removed from certainty.
Nor could the general opinion he had
Nor could his impression as to the man's
character be altogether illusory since
he could su summon two or three good
men who would testify that they
in part shared it. He well knew

Transcribed by: John Bryant