189 199 must feel in view of lamentable ^ extraordinary
outbreaks so recent as those which,
he sorrowfully said ^ it, it needed not to
Now at the first broaching of
the matter Captain Vere taken by surprise
could not wholly dissemble his disquietude.
But as ^ claggart Claggart the testifier went on, the former's his aspect
changed into restiveness under
something in the a witness' testifyer's testifier's manner 9
in giving his testimony. However,
he refrained from interrupting him.
And Claggart, continuing, concluded
with this:
189 199 must feel in view of lamentable ^ extraordinary
outbreaks so recent as those which,
he sorrowfully said ^ it, it needed not to
Now at the first broaching of
the matter Captain Vere taken by surprise
could not wholly dissemble his disquietude.
But as ^ claggart Claggart the testifier went on, the former's his aspect
changed into restiveness under
something in the a witness' testifyer's testifier's manner 9
in giving his testimony. However,
he refrained from interrupting him.
And Claggart, continuing, concluded
with this:

Transcribed by: John Bryant