61 2 199 209 The foretopman's
And Billy's the latter's conduct, too, so far as it had
fallen under his the Captain's notice
had confirmed the first happy
augury opinion of him , while the new 18
recruit's qualities as a sailor - man

seemed to be such that he had
thought of reccomending recommending him to
the executive officer for promotion 18
to a place that would more
frequently bring him under his
own observation, namely, the
captaincy of the mizzen-top,
replacing there in the starboard watch
a man not so young whom partly
for that reason he deemed less
61 2 199 209 The foretopman's
And Billy's the latter's conduct, too, so far as it had
fallen under his the Captain's notice
had confirmed the first happy
augury opinion of him , while the new 18
recruit's qualities as a sailor - man

seemed to be such that he had
thought of reccomending recommending him to
the executive officer for promotion 18
to a place that would more
frequently bring him under his
own observation, namely, the
captaincy of the mizzen-top,
replacing there in the starboard watch
a man not so young whom partly
for that reason he deemed less

Transcribed by: John Bryant