193 203 For the rest, So that long Long versed in the
everything pertaining to ins-and-outs of ^ the complicated life
gun-deck life, and e xHS which like every
other form of life, has its secret mines and dubious ^ darker side,
which is so often ever the side ^ popularly disclaimed, Captain
Vere did not permit himself to be
unduly disturbed by the general
tenor of his subordinate's report. 12
Furthermore, If in view of recent
events prompt action should be
taken at the first palpable sign
of recurring insubordination, for all that, not
judicious was it would it be, he thought,
to keep the idea of lingering
disaffection alive by undue
forwardness in crediting a an vague
193 203 For the rest, So that long Long versed in the
everything pertaining to ins-and-outs of ^ the complicated life
gun-deck life, and e xHS which like every
other form of life, has its secret mines and dubious ^ darker side,
which is so often ever the side ^ popularly disclaimed, Captain
Vere did not permit himself to be
unduly disturbed by the general
tenor of his subordinate's report. 12
Furthermore, If in view of recent
events prompt action should be
taken at the first palpable sign
of recurring insubordination, for all that, not
judicious was it would it be, he thought,
to keep the idea of lingering
disaffection alive by undue
forwardness in crediting a an vague

Transcribed by: John Bryant