50 1 171 181 of so / the simple and untutored a
nature . And the thews ? of Billy
were not hardly in compatible with that sort of
sensitive spiritual organization organisationHS
which in less vigorous some soulsHS which in some cases instinctively
conveys to ignorant innocense
a war^ n ing ^ admonition of the proximity of the
malign. He thought the Master-
at-arms acted in a manner rather
queer at times. That was all.
But the occasional frank air and
pleasant word when those went for what they
purported to be, for the young athlete sailor
never not having heard as yet of was not yet of those who distrust
the "too fair-spoken man."
50 1 171 181 of so / the simple and untutored a
nature . And the thews ? of Billy
were not hardly in compatible with that sort of
sensitive spiritual organization organisationHS
which in less vigorous some soulsHS which in some cases instinctively
conveys to ignorant innocense
a war^ n ing ^ admonition of the proximity of the
malign. He thought the Master-
at-arms acted in a manner rather
queer at times. That was all.
But the occasional frank air and
pleasant word when those went for what they
purported to be, for the young athlete sailor
never not having heard as yet of was not yet of those who distrust
the "too fair-spoken man."

Transcribed by: John Bryant