26 176 New Chapter 166 40 But after the little ——//—— matter at the mess
Billy Budd no more found himself in
mysterious ^ strange strange trouble at times about his
hammock or his clothes-bag or what not.
While, as to that smile that ^ occasionally suned suned deluded sunned him,
him and ^ the pleasant passing word,
these were if if not more frequent, yet
if anything more pronounced than
before. [ But for all that, there were
certain other demonstrations now.
When Claggart's unobserved glance
happened to
26 176 New Chapter 166 40 But after the little ——//—— matter at the mess
Billy Budd no more found himself in
mysterious ^ strange strange trouble at times about his
hammock or his clothes-bag or what not.
While, as to that smile that ^ occasionally suned suned deluded sunned him,
him and ^ the pleasant passing word,
these were if if not more frequent, yet
if anything more pronounced than
before. [ But for all that, there were
certain other demonstrations now.
When Claggart's unobserved glance
happened to

Transcribed by: John Bryant