26 144 154 Presently he was stirred into
semi-consciousness by sombody, who must
have previously sounded the sleep of the others,
touching his shoulder, and then as ^ the Foretopman Billy
raised his head, breathing into his ear
in a quick whisper, "Slip into the ^ weather lee
fore-chains, Billy; there is something in
the wind. Quick D'ont speak. Quick,
I will meet you there"; and disappeared.
Now Billy like sundry other
essentially ^ goodnatured ones fellows had some of the weaknesses
that pertain to ^ inseparable from essential good nature; and among
these was ^ a reluctance, or rather almost an incapacity of plumply repellingly
curtly saying no to an abrupt proposition
not obviously absurd , or nor on the face of it, ^ nor obviously unfriendly, nor iniquitous .
nor made in any unfriendly way.
And being of warm blood, had ^ he had not As little did he have the ^ cold phlegm silen to
tacitly to negative it ^ any proposition by silent unresponsive inaction.
26 144 154 Presently he was stirred into
semi-consciousness by sombody, who must
have previously sounded the sleep of the others,
touching his shoulder, and then as ^ the Foretopman Billy
raised his head, breathing into his ear
in a quick whisper, "Slip into the ^ weather lee
fore-chains, Billy; there is something in
the wind. Quick D'ont speak. Quick,
I will meet you there"; and disappeared.
Now Billy like sundry other
essentially ^ goodnatured ones fellows had some of the weaknesses
that pertain to ^ inseparable from essential good nature; and among
these was ^ a reluctance, or rather almost an incapacity of plumply repellingly
curtly saying no to an abrupt proposition
not obviously absurd , or nor on the face of it, ^ nor obviously unfriendly, nor iniquitous .
nor made in any unfriendly way.
And being of warm blood, had ^ he had not As little did he have the ^ cold phlegm silen to
tacitly to negative it ^ any proposition by silent unresponsive inaction.

Transcribed by: John Bryant