18 135 145 18 But The incident confirmed to him The incident confirmed to him
certain tell-tale reports purveyed
to his ear by Squeak , one of his
more cunning Corporals, a little
^ a grizzled little man , short and spare , so nicknamed

by the sailors on account of his
squeaky voice, and sharp grizzled
visage mousing ^ ferreting about the dark corners
of the lower decks after interlopers,
satirically suggesting to them the
idea of a whiskered rat in a cellar.
18 135 145 18 But The incident confirmed to him The incident confirmed to him
certain tell-tale reports purveyed
to his ear by Squeak , one of his
more cunning Corporals, a little
^ a grizzled little man , short and spare , so nicknamed

by the sailors on account of his
squeaky voice, and sharp grizzled
visage mousing ^ ferreting about the dark corners
of the lower decks after interlopers,
satirically suggesting to them the
idea of a whiskered rat in a cellar.

Transcribed by: John Bryant