23 141 151 Probably, the master-at-arms' clandestine
persecution of Billy were started to try
the temper of the man; but ^ they it had not
su developed any trait quality in
hima him that enmity could make ^ official use of
or ^ even pervert into even plausable plausible
self- justification ; of itself; so that the
incident occurrence at the mess, petty tho' it was, if it were,
was a welcome one to that so kind
peculiar conscience that has been
attributed to Claggart. assigned as to be the we have /
insu xxxxHS inadequately / touched upon descri discribed private mentor of Claggart;
And, for the rest, not improbably he p it put him upon
new experiments.
23 141 151 Probably, the master-at-arms' clandestine
persecution of Billy were started to try
the temper of the man; but ^ they it had not
su developed any trait quality in
hima him that enmity could make ^ official use of
or ^ even pervert into even plausable plausible
self- justification ; of itself; so that the
incident occurrence at the mess, petty tho' it was, if it were,
was a welcome one to that so kind
peculiar conscience that has been
attributed to Claggart. assigned as to be the we have /
insu xxxxHS inadequately / touched upon descri discribed private mentor of Claggart;
And, for the rest, not improbably he p it put him upon
new experiments.

Transcribed by: John Bryant