149 150 131 made the dimple in his rich dyed cheek,
suppled his joints, and dancing in
his yellow curls made him ^ preeminently the
handsome Handsome sailor Sailor . One person excepted
the master-at-arms was perhaps the only
man in the ship ^ intellectualy capable of of ^ adequately fully appreciating
the moral phenomenon ^ presented in Billy Budd. In
him He he recognized his his own direct opposite
And the insight but intensified his passion,
which assuming various secret forms within him
him , his secret selfhood at times assumed that of ^ cynic disdain—
disdain of innocence . To be m nothing
more than innocent! Yet in an aesthetic
way he saw the charm of it, the ^ courageous free-and-
esay -easy temper of it, and fain would
have shared it, but he despaired of it.
149 150 131 made the dimple in his rich dyed cheek,
suppled his joints, and dancing in
his yellow curls made him ^ preeminently the
handsome Handsome sailor Sailor . One person excepted
the master-at-arms was perhaps the only
man in the ship ^ intellectualy capable of of ^ adequately fully appreciating
the moral phenomenon ^ presented in Billy Budd. In
him He he recognized his his own direct opposite
And the insight but intensified his passion,
which assuming various secret forms within him
him , his secret selfhood at times assumed that of ^ cynic disdain—
disdain of innocence . To be m nothing
more than innocent! Yet in an aesthetic
way he saw the charm of it, the ^ courageous free-and-
esay -easy temper of it, and fain would
have shared it, but he despaired of it.

Transcribed by: John Bryant