138 118 130 is based on Holy Writ were any longer
popular, one might with less
difficulty define and denominate
certain phenomenal men. a nature like Claggart's. As it is,
one must turn to some authority
not liable to the charge of being
tinctured with the Biblical element.
In a list of definitions
included in the authentic translation
of Plato, a list attributed to him,
occurs this: "Natural Depravity: a
depravity according to nature." A
definition which so ^ tho' savoring of
Calvinism, by no means involves
138 118 130 is based on Holy Writ were any longer
popular, one might with less
difficulty define and denominate
certain phenomenal men. a nature like Claggart's. As it is,
one must turn to some authority
not liable to the charge of being
tinctured with the Biblical element.
In a list of definitions
included in the authentic translation
of Plato, a list attributed to him,
occurs this: "Natural Depravity: a
depravity according to nature." A
definition which so ^ tho' savoring of
Calvinism, by no means involves

Transcribed by: John Bryant