125 1 104 116 sufficiently instructed his young Achilles,
pursed his lips, gathered all his wrinkles
together and would commit himself
to nothi nothing further. [ Years, The experience
prudence &c
and those experiences

which befall certain ——//—— ^ shrewder men subordinated Billy young and
innocent as an x a little
& &c

life-long to the will of superiors, all this
had developed in the Dansker the pithy
guarded cynicism that was his leading
characteristic. ——//——
125 1 104 116 sufficiently instructed his young Achilles,
pursed his lips, gathered all his wrinkles
together and would commit himself
to nothi nothing further. [ Years, The experience
prudence &c
and those experiences

which befall certain ——//—— ^ shrewder men subordinated Billy young and
innocent as an x a little
& &c

life-long to the will of superiors, all this
had developed in the Dansker the pithy
guarded cynicism that was his leading
characteristic. ——//——

Transcribed by: John Bryant