121 99 111 and sometimes replaced by an
expression of speculative foresight query
as to what might eventually befall
a nature like that, dropt dropped into a
world not without some man-traps
and against whose subtleties simple
courage lacking experience and address
and without any touch of defensive
ugliness , is of little avail , ; and
where such innocense as man is
capable of does yet in a moral emergency
neither not always sharpen the faculties nor or
fortify enlighten the will.
However it was the
Dansker in his ascetic undemonstrative
way rather took to Billy. Nor was this
only because of a ce a certain the philosophic
interest awakened in him in such a character. There was another cause.
121 99 111 and sometimes replaced by an
expression of speculative foresight query
as to what might eventually befall
a nature like that, dropt dropped into a
world not without some man-traps
and against whose subtleties simple
courage lacking experience and address
and without any touch of defensive
ugliness , is of little avail , ; and
where such innocense as man is
capable of does yet in a moral emergency
neither not always sharpen the faculties nor or
fortify enlighten the will.
However it was the
Dansker in his ascetic undemonstrative
way rather took to Billy. Nor was this
only because of a ce a certain the philosophic
interest awakened in him in such a character. There was another cause.

Transcribed by: John Bryant