118 96 108 had been recently assigned duty
as main-mast-man in his watch,
looking to the gear belayed at the
rail roundabout that great spar
near the deck. At off-times ^ The foretopman had
picked up some acquaintance with
him, and now in his trouble it
occurred to him that he might be
the sort of person to go to for wise
council. He was an old Dansker
long anglicised in the service, of
few words, many wrinkles and
some honorable scars. His wizzened
face, ^ time-tinted and weather-stained
to the complexion of
colored like an an antique
parchment, exhumed from some dilapidated
was here and there peppered blue by
the chance premature chance explosion
of a gun-cartridge in action.
118 96 108 had been recently assigned duty
as main-mast-man in his watch,
looking to the gear belayed at the
rail roundabout that great spar
near the deck. At off-times ^ The foretopman had
picked up some acquaintance with
him, and now in his trouble it
occurred to him that he might be
the sort of person to go to for wise
council. He was an old Dansker
long anglicised in the service, of
few words, many wrinkles and
some honorable scars. His wizzened
face, ^ time-tinted and weather-stained
to the complexion of
colored like an an antique
parchment, exhumed from some dilapidated
was here and there peppered blue by
the chance premature chance explosion
of a gun-cartridge in action.

Transcribed by: John Bryant