117 95 107 oversight of the ship's-corporals of the
lower decks, and which brought down
on him a vague threat from one of them.
So heedful in all things ^ as he was, how
could this be? He could not understand
it, and it more than vexed him.
When he spoke to his ^ young young topmates about it
it—young fellows like himself—either
they were ^ either incredulous or quizzed him lightly jested
at for his anxiety. they were either lightly
incredulous or found something comical
in his unconcealed anxiety. "Is it your
bag, Billy? " ^ said one " well, sew yourself up in
it, bully boy, and then you'll be
sure to know if anybody meddles with it."
Now there was a veteran
aboard who because his years began
to disqualify him for more active work
117 95 107 oversight of the ship's-corporals of the
lower decks, and which brought down
on him a vague threat from one of them.
So heedful in all things ^ as he was, how
could this be? He could not understand
it, and it more than vexed him.
When he spoke to his ^ young young topmates about it
it—young fellows like himself—either
they were ^ either incredulous or quizzed him lightly jested
at for his anxiety. they were either lightly
incredulous or found something comical
in his unconcealed anxiety. "Is it your
bag, Billy? " ^ said one " well, sew yourself up in
it, bully boy, and then you'll be
sure to know if anybody meddles with it."
Now there was a veteran
aboard who because his years began
to disqualify him for more active work

Transcribed by: John Bryant