114 91 103 Of this maratime Chief of
Police the ship's-corporals, so called,
were the immediate subordinates, and
compliant ones; and this, as is to be noted
in some business departments ashore,
all almost in to a degree inconsistent
with entire moral volition. His place
put various converging wires of underground
influence influence under action into the Chief's control, capable
when astutely worked thro' his understrappers
of operating to the mysterious discomfort
if nothing worse, of any of the
114 91 103 Of this maratime Chief of
Police the ship's-corporals, so called,
were the immediate subordinates, and
compliant ones; and this, as is to be noted
in some business departments ashore,
all almost in to a degree inconsistent
with entire moral volition. His place
put various converging wires of underground
influence influence under action into the Chief's control, capable
when astutely worked thro' his understrappers
of operating to the mysterious discomfort
if nothing worse, of any of the

Transcribed by: John Bryant