110 88 99 That era, now long past, appears measurably
clear to us who wh look back at it, and
but read of it. But to our the grandfathers of us graybeards ,
the more thoughful of them,^ the genius of it presented
an aspect like that of Camoen's Spirit
of the Cape, an eclipsing menace mysterious
and prodigious. Not America was
exempt from apprehension. After ^ At the height of Napoleon's
unexampled conquests, when he bowled
down kings and states like ninepins, there
were ^ some Americans who had fought at Bunker Hill
who looked forward to the possibility
that the Atlantic might prove no effectual
barrier against the ultimate ^ world-wide schemes of the upstart
Corsican. So I had it from venerable
men know to me in my youth. this french ^ portentous upstart from the revolutionary chaos
who seemed——//—— the in act of
fulfilling the direful judgment proclaim
prefigured in the Apocalypse.
110 88 99 That era, now long past, appears measurably
clear to us who wh look back at it, and
but read of it. But to our the grandfathers of us graybeards ,
the more thoughful of them,^ the genius of it presented
an aspect like that of Camoen's Spirit
of the Cape, an eclipsing menace mysterious
and prodigious. Not America was
exempt from apprehension. After ^ At the height of Napoleon's
unexampled conquests, when he bowled
down kings and states like ninepins, there
were ^ some Americans who had fought at Bunker Hill
who looked forward to the possibility
that the Atlantic might prove no effectual
barrier against the ultimate ^ world-wide schemes of the upstart
Corsican. So I had it from venerable
men know to me in my youth. this french ^ portentous upstart from the revolutionary chaos
who seemed——//—— the in act of
fulfilling the direful judgment proclaim
prefigured in the Apocalypse.

Transcribed by: John Bryant