44 2 17 2 60 55 68 Yes, The uprising outbreak at the Nore —//— was put
down. But not every grievance was
redressed. If the contractors, for example,
were no longer permitted to ply their some some
immemorial iniquities and cheat in practices which were peculiar to their tribe^ everywhere , such as
the rations, and by so doing help providing shoddy cloth, rations not sound,
famish the men; or false in the measure; / not the less
impressment, for one thing, went on.
By custom sanctioned for centuries, and
judicially maintained by a Lord
Chancellor as late as Mansfield,
that mode of manning the fleet, a
mode at present now fallen into a sort
of abeyance but never formally renounced,
it was not practicable to give up in those years.
44 2 17 2 60 55 68 Yes, The uprising outbreak at the Nore —//— was put
down. But not every grievance was
redressed. If the contractors, for example,
were no longer permitted to ply their some some
immemorial iniquities and cheat in practices which were peculiar to their tribe^ everywhere , such as
the rations, and by so doing help providing shoddy cloth, rations not sound,
famish the men; or false in the measure; / not the less
impressment, for one thing, went on.
By custom sanctioned for centuries, and
judicially maintained by a Lord
Chancellor as late as Mansfield,
that mode of manning the fleet, a
mode at present now fallen into a sort
of abeyance but never formally renounced,
it was not practicable to give up in those years.

Transcribed by: John Bryant