32 40 42 45
virtues eminently ^ peculiarly characterize
anybody in the external uniform
of civilization, such virtues ^ they will
upon scrutiny seem not to be to be alien qualities
derived from custom or convention , ^ but rather out of keeping with these &c

but rather to be alien out of keeping with
these, as if indeed exceptionally transmitted
from a period prior to cities Cain's fir city and
citified man. The character pi marked
by such virtues ^ qualities has to an unvitiated
taste an untampered-with flavor like
that of berries, while the man thoroughly
civilized ^ even in a fair specimen of the breed has to the same moral palet pallet
a questionable smack as of some a
compounded wine. In ^ To any stray inheritor [of] pristine
virtue ^ of these primitive qualities found, like Caspar Hauser, wandering
dazed in
the nominally
any Christian capital s of our day time
32 40 42 45
virtues eminently ^ peculiarly characterize
anybody in the external uniform
of civilization, such virtues ^ they will
upon scrutiny seem not to be to be alien qualities
derived from custom or convention , ^ but rather out of keeping with these &c

but rather to be alien out of keeping with
these, as if indeed exceptionally transmitted
from a period prior to cities Cain's fir city and
citified man. The character pi marked
by such virtues ^ qualities has to an unvitiated
taste an untampered-with flavor like
that of berries, while the man thoroughly
civilized ^ even in a fair specimen of the breed has to the same moral palet pallet
a questionable smack as of some a
compounded wine. In ^ To any stray inheritor [of] pristine
virtue ^ of these primitive qualities found, like Caspar Hauser, wandering
dazed in
the nominally
any Christian capital s of our day time

Transcribed by: John Bryant