39 41 44
less ^ to proceed less from mere viciousness
than from exuberance of vitality after
long constraint , : or frank manifestations
in accordance with natural law.

By his original constitution aided
by the cooperating influences of his
lot, Billy in many respects
was little more than a sort of ^ unassuming upright
barbarian, much such perhaps
as Adam presumably might have
been ere the urbane Serpent
bowed ^ wriggled himself into his company.
[...]And here be it submitted that
apparently going to corroborate the doctrine
of man's fall, a doctrine now popularly
ignored, it is observable that where the
simpler unsophisticated virtues
certain virtues unadulterate[?] pristine and unadulterate
39 41 44
less ^ to proceed less from mere viciousness
than from exuberance of vitality after
long constraint , : or frank manifestations
in accordance with natural law.

By his original constitution aided
by the cooperating influences of his
lot, Billy in many respects
was little more than a sort of ^ unassuming upright
barbarian, much such perhaps
as Adam presumably might have
been ere the urbane Serpent
bowed ^ wriggled himself into his company.
[...]And here be it submitted that
apparently going to corroborate the doctrine
of man's fall, a doctrine now popularly
ignored, it is observable that where the
simpler unsophisticated virtues
certain virtues unadulterate[?] pristine and unadulterate

Transcribed by: John Bryant