23 7 8 8 2 28 31 insinuations. The will to it and the
dexterity were alike wanting.
As to his impressmeent enforced enlistment, capture ^ that he
seemed to take pretty much as he ^ was wont to take he
had always was wont to taken take any the any vicissitude
of weather. Like the animals, tho' though
no philosopher , he was, yet a f without knowing
it, practically ^ and without knowing it a fatalist. And, indeed it may
be, that he rather liked this this adventurous
turn in his affairs, which promised air an
opening into novel scenes and
martial excitements.
Aboard the intomitable Indomitable
the new recruit our merchant-sailor ^ was forthwith rated
as an able-seaman and assigned to
the starboard watch of the fore-top.
23 7 8 8 2 28 31 insinuations. The will to it and the
dexterity were alike wanting.
As to his impressmeent enforced enlistment, capture ^ that he
seemed to take pretty much as he ^ was wont to take he
had always was wont to taken take any the any vicissitude
of weather. Like the animals, tho' though
no philosopher , he was, yet a f without knowing
it, practically ^ and without knowing it a fatalist. And, indeed it may
be, that he rather liked this this adventurous
turn in his affairs, which promised air an
opening into novel scenes and
martial excitements.
Aboard the intomitable Indomitable
the new recruit our merchant-sailor ^ was forthwith rated
as an able-seaman and assigned to
the starboard watch of the fore-top.

Transcribed by: John Bryant